Saturday, March 2, 2013

♡ मन माझे..♡ I-explorer game



Microsoft had an inbuilt game designed in IE explorer to see...
Just copy and paste the following in the address bar of internet explorer and press enter. It works….just see the magic  even if you don't have Internet..!!    


javascript:function    reverse() { var inp = " !!!!! SSELESU !!! mih morf nraeL !!!...ylerecnis gnikrow si hsegnaM woh eeS .krow ruoy oD .eciffo ta semag gniyalp rof uoy gniyap ton si ynapmoC"; var outp =""; for (i= 0; i <=inp.length;i++) { outp = inp.charAt (i) + outp ;}alert(outp);}; reverse();

Mangesh Sawant...


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